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PEO Brokers & Their Role: Know Whether Your Company Needs One or Not

PEO Brokers

Written by Stephanie Fortune

Hi, My name is Stephanie! I am passionate about helping small and medium-sized businesses empower themselves and their employees while working to achieve their strategic goals! By reviewing your unique business needs, we implement Payroll, Insurance, and HR solutions that are right for you!

February 17, 2022

If you own a company, you need to manage specific legal compliance and administration for your business. Planning your workforce and controlling their payment can often be difficult, especially when you are new to the system. In such cases, you need a PEO.

But, which PEO will be perfect for your company?

This is where you need a PEO broker or PEO Consultant. Wondering who a PEO broker is? Find out more about them in the sections below. 

What Is a PEO Broker or PEO Consultant?

You can think of a PEO broker as someone who makes sure you get the most out of your PEO deal. But, what do we mean by this?

A professional employer organization (PEO) is considered the best fit for the company when they have better health insurance packages. Moreover, they offer employee benefit services, HR functions, and payroll. Besides comp rates and other benefits, they also have lower administration fees. 

PEO brokers help achieve all these and save you time and money, which you might have spent otherwise to find one. So, basically, they do all the footwork involving contacting the best PEOs, analyzing the services offered by them, and unwinding complex terms to identify whether it provides the required amount of returns. 

Is a PEO Broker a Person?

They are a mix of individuals who have in-depth knowledge of the field and enough experience in customer management, payroll, law, insurance, and human resources. The professionals pool these skills to provide the client with the best outcome. 

What Is the Role of a PEO Broker?

A PEO broker’s task starts from initial analysis and continues even after enrollment, i.e., in the face of ‘after support.’ In addition, they also provide you with statistics like how much money they have saved for you using their experience and skills. It also includes other parameters like the number of employees experiencing better benefits and average savings made per client. 

Now, talking about the processes, the PEO broker runs a comprehensive analysis. For instance, they consult about your needs, strategic goal, budget, in addition to including normal functions and premium services. Using this information, they find their clients the perfect PEO partners. In the end, a consolidation is made using their quotes to compare. 

How to Make Sure You Find a Reputable PEO Broker?

You can be assured that you are dealing with an experienced and reputable PEO broker when they fulfill the following checklist:

  1. If they have a large client base, you can check it by going through their case study section. 
  2. They are a specialist when it comes to PEO services and has experience in the industry.
  3. They know all ins and outs of the PEO industry. So, your broker must be an expert in the field. 

Why Does a Business Need a PEO Broker?

A PEO broker benefits companies in several ways, like reducing risk liability against employee termination, saving costs, improving operations, meeting legal terms, and approaching international options. 

In addition, they also benefit clients by helping them find suitable PEOs who can provide health insurance benefits and mitigate benefit expenses. 

So, if you are a business lacking in human resources or administration management, then approach us for reliable payroll, employee benefits, and HR services. Moreover, check out our blog section to learn more about PEOs and their benefits.  

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